Dissertation thesis. Master’s in Sound Creation. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música. Supervisor: Dr. Indioney Rodrigues.

Link: Movimento-som : interações criativas entre música e dança em performances de improvisação livre (2023).

Abstract: The present research aims to investigate and analyze creative interactions between music and dance in free improvisation performances. Creative processes in free improvisation performances with music and dance were explored through semi-structured interviews involving musicians and dancers who develop systematic artistic research in the area of free improvisation and through several laboratories of artistic experimentation carried out in different contexts – in person and online -, and organized according to the exploration of the different levels of interaction between body and musical gestures, proposed by musicologist Marc Leman. Applied analysis of the results obtained in such interviews and laboratories was carried out, based on the collection of their audiovisual records, as well as on the experience reports of their participants. Such analysis was structured in a multidisciplinary manner, from the perspective of literature, on different aspects: in the specific field of free improvisation, based on the research of guitarist Derek Bailey; in the field of dance, based on the research of dancer and choreographer Rudolf Laban; in the field of embodied musical cognition, based on the research of musicologist Marc Leman; in the field of musical perception, based on research by Egil Haga.

Essay published on the journal: O Mosaico – Revista de Pesquisa em Artes do Campus Curitiba II FAP/ Unespar.

Link: Memorial descritivo de laboratórios exploratórios da interatividade entre música e dança em contextos de improvisação livre (2022).

Final Paper. Bachelor’s in Sound Production. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música. Supervisor: Dr. Indioney Rodrigues.

Link: Memorial de Composição: Pandeiro Espectral, Rotinas de Improvisação Controlada para Pandeiro Solo (2017).